This comparison mailer from Cassie DeYoung landed in 5th Supervisor District mailboxes today, in which DeYoung promotes her support of Measure M.
DeYoung also claims, in banner headline, that Pat Bates supports a tunnel through the Santa Ana mountains linking Riverside and Orange counties.
This is at least the second time in a week DeYoung has made this claim in a mail piece.
It's also an outright lie. What's more, Cassie DeYoung knows it is a lie, and yet she approved it anyway. Pat Bates supports doing the geo-techinical feasibility study because as a responsible public official she wants to know if the tunnel is even doable before making a decision one way or the other. Cassie, being an opportunist, operates under no such burden.
Pat ought to take DeYoung to the OC GOP Ethics Committee and ask for a censure.
When campaigns begin basing their campaigns on lies about their opponents, it's a sign of desperation and awareness that defeat is increasingly unavoidable. She's plunked in another $350,000 of her own money and spent an additional $373,741 dollars between October 1 and October 21 -- for a total of $2,875,714.90 thus far. And for what?
It's in circumstances like this that a candidate's true character emerges, and what's emerging isn't very attractive. Perhaps DeYoung knows that light and the end of the terrible tunnel of her campaign is the oncoming train of defeat.