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November 30, 2007



According to the press release...

"As we've said before, the gossip hounds and inexperienced arm chair quarterbacks always forget that a campaign is about connecting with voters, communicating your message, and sharing the values of primary voters."

A debate has nothing to do with connecting with your voters. In all honesty a debate is a complete waste of time. Mail... Mail.. And you guess it more Mail.. But wait, you have to have money to send out mail. Unless the consultant is willing to reduce his commission to expand the universe and mail program?

small fish in a big pond

What Republican in their right mind would want to be elected to the Legislature? I hope the successful candidate REALLY understands what waits ahead. No power, influence, or ability to change anything. Oh, that's right.... one of the lucky contestants will get that fabulous Assembly license plate!

Wow, nice spin job there by the Dick campaign. I couldn't make it in person but watched it on tv. My take?

Larry is a polished speaker, but nothing but an empty suit. No substance.

Curt needs work, but he sure knows his issues better than Larry.

Craig Alexander

I had he honor of being the moderator for Thursday night's debate. One of the reasons I was asked to be the moderator is that I do not live in the 60th Assembly District and I have not endorsed either candidate. In my opinion both candidates did a great job of fielding questions and letting the audience know where they stood on the issues.

For those who really wish to research what the two candidates stand for, the debate was a great forum for that.

While I respect the Dick campaign’s right to put out its press release, in my opinion neither candidate was the “winner” of the debate over the other.

As was announced at the beginning to the debate, no endorsement vote or straw poll was taken to determine the winner of the debate. Both candidates were winners by participating in the debate and I thank both of them of doing so.


Good job Larry Dick for making it a fun debate night with your smooth, cow boy tuned voice. I thank Curt Hagman for sharing his deep knowledges on the important state issues and the possible solutions. I trust CRA to endorse the right candidate for AD60.


OWK - Larry Dick is definately not an empty suit. Larry is a wonderful man, has raised a wonderful family, And I am honored to call him my friend! Hw will be a great asset to Sacramento.


I also like Larry Dick as a personal friend. However, he lacks the caliber and the experiences to lead us at Sacramento as an effective law maker. We really need to send Curt Hagman to represent us. Larry Dick's old simple slogan of " I am a local businessman and I believe in lowering taxes" is just not enough to make him a strong candidate. Many people have raised a good family just like Larry Dick but we are in dire situation to recruit more EFFECTIVE Republican leaders in the elected offices. I will support Curt for this reason. Curt, win!

With all due respect to both you and Larry, I stand by what I said. I know Larry is a good family man but that doesn't correlate with knowledge about our state's pressing issues.

Now, I agree with Mr. Alexander. There was no clear winner of that debate. Larry was a better presenter and Curt was more knowledgeable. But I don't see Curt claiming victory and taking side shots at his opponent.At least not yet.

My guess is this release won't sit well with the folks who actually watched the debate. That is all.


All candidates have their passion issues....his is mostly likely water issues, as he has sat on the water board fo a long time. And in the upcoming years with a water crisis around the corner, it is going to be VERY important and valuable to have someone up there that knows somthing about water!!! I find it difficult to believe that he you thing he would be worse then some of the squishes representing OC up there now. I can say this...Larry would not be a squish.

common sense

Flowerszzz, you are right in that Larry Dick has his passion on the water issues. Thus, he should keep his water board seat!

Re: Flowerszzz

"And in the upcoming years with a water crisis around the corner, it is going to be VERY important and valuable to have someone up there that knows somthing about water!!!"

Somehow I doubt a passive guy like Larry will be able to convince the Dems to build more dams...


Larry could join Mike Duvall and form the GOP Charmer Caucus.


Well ok then...you all vote for the bail bondsman then. LOL, thats a much better choice!

I never said he would be worse than some squish but if you watch the debate you can tell that the choice isn't between a conservative or a squish.

Re: Flowerszzz

"Well ok then...you all vote for the bail bondsman then. LOL, thats a much better choice!"

Weak! If this is the best the Dick campaign can come up with, Larry might as well save his money. Voters won't buy it.


I have comment first that I may be a bit naive in my thinking but some OC Republicans are hard to understand. Here we have a good man, from Orange County, A good republican, with great credentials, running for a seat he is more then qualified for (more so then some that are currently in office) and here we are tearing a good OC man down. Is it such a shock that a decent hard working man should decide to run for public office? How dare he....he has personality!

Is he the best man for the job, I dunno anymore then if I know Hagman is. Who the helk is Hagman anyway? Hell there are but a couple that are currently elected now that do us any favors. However I do know this, everyone knows who Larry is and Larry has supported each and every good officeholder and cause for Orange County.

Is it really too much to ask that OC Republicans back one of their own? I guess so, I guess it is, and we OC Republicans have not learned the lessons of years ago, and even today still have all the infighting that is happening over a stupid Supervisorial seat...and probably this seat as well.

Long Time Politico

Flowerzzz, c'mon get a grip. No one is "tearing a good man down". Actually no one had said anything bad about anyone in this thread until you mentioned that Curt is a bail bondsman as if to discredit his credentials.

As far as whether or not it's too much to ask that OC Reeps back one of their own, I would say yes. I want the best man for the job to be elected, not the man who lives closest to me.


Atually it is ALL I know about Curt to be honest. So tell me why Hagman is the better man for the job then?

Long Time Politico

I never said Hagman is the best man for the job, but I disagree with the premise that I should support Larry simply because he lives in the same county as me.

Although, as you can tell by my observations, I did get the impression from the debate that Curt knows more about the issues. I also said Larry was a better speaker.


To the commenter posting as "One Who Knows": the real One Who Knows e-mailed me to inform me you have been hijacking that handle.

That is absolutely not allowed. Do it again and you'll be banned.


Ok long time....so I surmise you also dont know much about Hagman either...I don't think many do....but we all know Larry. Perhaps it is just too early for some to decide.

re: Jubal

Geez I didn't know anonymous pseudonyms had owners but ok, fair enough. Thanks for the warning.


There are some frequent, regular commenters who use the a pseudonym -- such as One Who Knows and Bladerunner, for examples -- who have established an identity and reputation here on the blog, and I want to protect those.


Flowerszzz, I know Curt Hagman personally and I would strongly ask others to vote for him. If you don't know him other than Curt being an honest person, please meet him and make a wise decision. Today we can not be tied to the territorial affinity relationship when we are selecting important AD60 seat. I for one, raised in OC but has decided to support candidate with strong vision and his name happens to be Curt Hagman. Curt, win.


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