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March 30, 2007



So Disney Corp. is all about "f*** Mexicans"? Do you have any proof of that, or is this a case of, when the well runs dry, just throw in a four-letter word and the "racist" epithet?

I live in OC and turned down a job in Woodland Hills as I could not afford to move. And, I am Irish-American! Racists!

Julie Paule

It just doesn't seem right to kill the bunnies the week before Easter.


Regarding Moxley's piece on no-bid, no-look, no-question real estate lease for a buddy's property: Good thing we have those fiscal conservatives running our county.

ocwatcher watcher

Yeah, like union Democrat Lou Correa, who voted for that contract.

Oh yeah -- Moxley left that out of his article. I guess it didn't fit into his anti-GOP bias.


Would not have mattered to me if it was 4-1, my friend. Fact is all, politics nowadays is all about power. Ideologies are long lost.

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