Compadre de OC Blog Gustavo Arellano has re-started his own blog, "A Week In The Life Of Gustavo." All of us in the Blogpen have become big fans of Gustavo, not least because he is a big fan of us (it's all about mutual admiration). And it turns out we're not the only ones who love the "Ask A Mexican" column (by the way, I'd like to ask The Mexican what a "pocho" is? It's in the lyrics of Los Mocosos "Brown and Proud" and I'd like to know the meaning).
And don't forget to tune tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. to KPCC-FM's "Air Talk with Larry Gilbert" for the OC Writer's Table, a panel featuring Gustavo, the LAT's Jean Pasco and the OCR's Chris Reed. It's 89.3 on your FM dial.
Any questions for the Mexican must be sent to [email protected]. Give yourself a hilarious pseudonym, or we'll make one up for you!
Posted by: The Mexican | April 21, 2005 at 10:24 AM
I love this guys collumn in OC Weekly. Also just picked up his book as well. Highly recommend it to everyone.
Posted by: Orange County Mortgage | February 19, 2009 at 05:28 PM